security EFF publishes an indispensable, plain-language guide to "cell-site simulators": the surveillance devices that track you via your phone Cory Doctorow
privacy Search-warrant demands that Google turn over account info, Android info, all accounts and passwords, calendar, contacts, cloud docs, financial data, photos, location history, search history, call records, etc Cory Doctorow
Kids Kid with cerebral palsy skateboards for first time with help from mom and technology Xeni Jardin
security Android apps are tracking your every move and there's currently no way to stop them Seamus Bellamy
security Vulnerabilities in GPS fleet-tracking tools let attackers track and immobilize cars en masse Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Canada's SOPA moment: Canadian telco giants pushing for site blocking without court orders Michael Geist
privacy China forces Xinjiang Uyghurs to install mobile spyware, enforces with stop-and-frisk Cory Doctorow
surveillance LEAKED: The secret catalog American law enforcement orders cellphone-spying gear from Cory Doctorow
privacy Apple adds privacy-protecting MAC spoofing (when Aaron Swartz did it, it was evidence of criminality) Cory Doctorow