christ what an asshole Florida Sheriff warns storm victims to expect warrant checks at hurricane shelters Cory Doctorow
law Texas Republicans will now require women to carry "rape insurance" if they need abortions Cory Doctorow
law The secret text of the GOP's border bill reveals plan to dramatically increase surveillance of Americans and visitors Cory Doctorow
trumpism Republican lawmakers double-down on legalizing the vehicular murder of protesters Cory Doctorow
Business CEOs quit Trump: The 1% can't win elections unless the 99% turkeys vote for Christmas Cory Doctorow
security Tired of being gouged, Secret Service moves out of Trump Tower and into a box on the sidewalk Cory Doctorow
Business Slashing taxes for the rich won't help America, and Trump probably can't do that anyway Cory Doctorow
corruption Foxconn's corporate welfare deal will cost Wisconsin taxpayers more than 3 billion dollars Cory Doctorow
gop The media manipulators who poisoned the coverage of the Dakota Access Pipeline also sold us the Iraq war Cory Doctorow
News Ding, Dong, Trumpcare's Dead: GOP Health Care Bill Collapses With 2 Senators' Dissent Xeni Jardin
religion Now any Floridian can ask to have public schools' science and literary curriculum censored Cory Doctorow
usausausa After Trumpcare kills you, this service will send your cremains to the GOP lawmaker of your choosing Cory Doctorow