surveillance When you take a commercial genetic test, you opt your whole family into warrantless state genetic surveillance Cory Doctorow
politics Two GOP reps meet racist troll Chuck Johnson 'to discuss genetic testing and DNA' Xeni Jardin
Science Why Indonesia's Bajau people can stay submerged under water longer than you or me Seamus Bellamy
Science Analysis of North America's weeds reveal the crops, trade, and cuisine of early indigenous people Cory Doctorow
Science New York's rat population has genetically diverged into "uptown" and "downtown" subpopulation Cory Doctorow
Back from the dead DNA proves the amazing "tree lobster" insect still alive after 100 years of supposed extinction Carla Sinclair
happy mutants The Hardware Hacker: Bunnie Huang's tour-de-force on hardware hacking, reverse engineering, China, manufacturing, innovation and biohacking Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Neal Stephenson's Seveneves: five thousand years of apocalypse and rebirth Cory Doctorow