Business Understanding "transfer pricing": how corporations dodge taxes through financial colonialism Cory Doctorow
security Report: UK "Ransomware consultants" Red Mosquito promise to unlock your data, but they're just paying off the criminals (and charging you a markup!) Cory Doctorow
Business Ajit Pai promised that killing Net Neutrality would spur investment and improve service: a year later, service and investment have declined Cory Doctorow
law Porno copyright troll sentenced to 14 years: "a wrecking ball to trust in the administration of justice" Cory Doctorow
Business Grifty "information security" companies promised they could decrypt ransomware-locked computers, but they were just quietly paying the ransoms Cory Doctorow
security DOJ accuses Verizon and AT&T employees of participating in SIM-swap identity theft crimes Cory Doctorow
Business "Black hat" companies sell services to get products featured and upranked on Amazon Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism Study finds 95% of all Bitcoin trading volume is fake, designed to lure in ICOs Cory Doctorow
facebook Man stole $122m from Facebook and Google by sending them random bills, which the companies dutifully paid Cory Doctorow
fraud How the patent office's lax standards gave Elizabeth Holmes the BS patents she needed to defraud investors and patients Cory Doctorow
fraud The "Reputation Management" industry continues to depend on forged legal documents Cory Doctorow
trumpism Blockbuster Gizmodo investigation reveals probable masterminds of the massive anti-Net Neutrality identity theft/astroturf campaign Cory Doctorow
law The TRUE Fees Act: legislative proposal to force cable/ISP companies to advertise the true cost of their services, inclusive of surcharges Cory Doctorow
Business Blackmailers use false copyright claims to shut down victims' Youtube accounts, offer to lift them in exchange for Bitcoin Cory Doctorow
fraud Grifter steals dead peoples' houses in gentrifying Philadelphia by forging deed transfers, then flipping them Cory Doctorow
Business Gofundme jumpstarts a golden era of snake oil as desperate people raise millions for quack homeopathy cancer "remedies" Cory Doctorow
Business How Amazon's crackdown on dirty sellers has made it easier for dirty sellers to kill good sellers' accounts Cory Doctorow