politics Neo-fascist presidential candidate Marine Le Pen says France was not complicit in rounding up Jews Cory Doctorow
france City of Paris deploys "anti-refugee boulders" to prevent camping while waiting for space at a humanitarian center Cory Doctorow
uk Piketty: the poorest half of Americans saw a "total collapse" in their share of the country's wealth Cory Doctorow
crime France aggressively prosecutes citizens for "solidarity crimes": feeding and housing migrants Cory Doctorow
corruption Investigation accuses French right-wing leader of funnelling €500K to his wife for "fake job" Cory Doctorow
politics Germany, France and the UK are moving the EU to continuous, unaccountable, warrantless mass surveillance Cory Doctorow
happy mutants The demons of Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy's Dictionnaire Infernal Cory Doctorow
class war France's next President could be an Islamophobic "Thatcherite" who wants to dismantle the social safety net Cory Doctorow
videos French spy boss admits France cyberattacked Iran, Canada, Spain, Greece, Norway, Ivory Coast, Algeria, and others Cory Doctorow