podcast Podcast: Listen to me dissect the very first episode of "Real World" with "TV Show Show" Rusty Blazenhoff
History Aviation museums' "most wanted list" of cool aerospace artifacts lost to history David Pescovitz
native americans That time George Washington ordered "total destruction and devastation" of the Haudenosaunee Thom Dunn
writing tools The Writers' Co-op is a great new podcast about how to make your freelance writing career work Thom Dunn
Disney Disney is reimagining Splash Mountain's racist 'Song of the South' theme. Princess and the Frog will take its place Carla Sinclair
Spoken Word with Electronics In Praise of THE SPAMP! And SPIT-COIN: A Proposal to Convert All Money to Saliva Ethan Persoff
movies Return of the Ewok, an unreleased mockumentary starring Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, and Carrie Fisher David Pescovitz
sesame street A dark fan theory explores the illicit affair between Elmo's mom and his Uncle Jack Thom Dunn
politics Bolton book says House impeachment inquiry should have probed Trump beyond Ukraine Xeni Jardin
star wars Listen to the original NPR radio drama adaptations of the first STAR WARS trilogy Thom Dunn
podcasts Open Culture has a new directory of the "Best Podcasts to Enrich Your Mind" Mark Frauenfelder
podcasts A new podcast explores the CIA's involvement with writing a hit song for the Scorpions Thom Dunn
Innovation Listen: Inspiring commencement speech from Astro Teller, X's captain of moonshots David Pescovitz
Weird "Clever Creature" is part podcast, part experimental variety show, and all perfectly weird Rusty Blazenhoff
Comics Furry Freak Brothers coming this fall, voiced by Woody Harrelson, John Goodman, Pete Davidson, and Tiffany Haddish Gareth Branwyn
machine learning A new instructional video series from Google: machine learning foundations Mark Frauenfelder