Business The average FTSE 100 boss earns as much in 2.5 days as his (yes, his) median employee earns in a year Cory Doctorow
crime Bank fraud investigations assisted by bankers' emails saying 'Please don't talk about this illegal thing in email' Cory Doctorow
uk Uber's VAT-avoidance means it owes millions to EU states and will face huge cuts to future EU profits Cory Doctorow
Business Lawmakers' support for bank bailouts was correlated with their individual investment in banks Cory Doctorow
trumpism Apple's tax-dodging offshore billions are sunk into Treasury Bills that pay out using Americans' taxes Cory Doctorow
web theory For two years, criminals stole sensitive information using malware hidden in individual pixels of ad banners Cory Doctorow
Business Crooks can guess Visa card details in six seconds by querying lots of websites at once Cory Doctorow
trump Sanders and Warren issue joint statement slamming Trump's new finance industry alligator for his private DC swamp Cory Doctorow
Business Wells Fargo says that its customers gave up right to sue by having their signatures forged Cory Doctorow
class war Giving companies more money (loans, tax-breaks) only increases investor payouts, not expansion Cory Doctorow
Business The only person to go to prison for a string of corporate pollution scandals was a crusading scientist who exposed them Cory Doctorow
trump Trump Administration: a climate denier for the EPA, a Goldman-Sachs banker for Treasury Cory Doctorow
Business Donald Trump weaponized fine-print to make it impossible to sue Wall Street for fraud Cory Doctorow