movies Return of the Ewok, an unreleased mockumentary starring Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, and Carrie Fisher David Pescovitz
Business Ben & Jerry's on Black Lives Matter and the police killing of George Floyd: We Must Dismantle White Supremacy Xeni Jardin
racism Frat boys who posed with rifles in front of a shot-up civil rights memorial kicked out of frat Mark Frauenfelder
politics Judge rules Dems can sue Trump for doing business with foreign governments while in office Xeni Jardin
happy mutants The Clown Egg Register: photos of the painstakingly painted eggs that English clowns stake their faces on Cory Doctorow
elections 11-year-old hacks replica of Florida's state election website in less than ten minutes Gina Loukareas
politics America is starting to realize that "liberal/conservative" labels exclude the left Cory Doctorow