Business Just because Cambridge Analytica tells its customers it can sway elections, it doesn't follow that they're any good at it Cory Doctorow
web theory Facebook once boasted of its ability to sway elections, now it has buried those pages Cory Doctorow
politics Democrats, citing Hayek, introduce Net Neutrality bill to force lawmakers to take an on-record position prior to the midterms Cory Doctorow
elections Surveillance-happy authoritarian "Democratic" California senator Dianne Feinstein loses California Democratic Party endorsement Cory Doctorow
politics Before standing for the Democratic nomination in a NY congressional race, Patrick Ryan was in business spying on union organizers and left-wing activists Cory Doctorow
politics A census of leading Italian politicians' Twitter followings finds a horde of zombies and bots Cory Doctorow
corruption The West Virginia Democrat candidate who was dragged away for calling out gas-money-dependent lawmakers has raised record-breaking sums Cory Doctorow
corruption A pair of leaked powerpoints reveal the earliest-known evidence of the Republican gerrymandering plan that gave us Trump Cory Doctorow
elections A progressive Democrat is challenging the racist, authoritarian Steve King for his Iowa Congressional seat Cory Doctorow
scholarship What youthquake? Jeremy Corbyn's election surge was drawn from all age groups, not a mob of first-time young voters Cory Doctorow
elections News report claims Dutch spies hacked Russian cyberwar operation and pwned their CCTVs, then recorded video of Russian government hackers attacking the DNC Cory Doctorow
politics Research report explains how adtech supercharges political deceit, allowing even bumblers to be master propagandists Cory Doctorow
canada Ontario Conservative leader abruptly resigns after he is accused of sexual assault and misconduct with very young, drunk women Cory Doctorow
elections No such thing as Bernie Bros: Bernie's approval rates are women 50%, blacks 70%, latinx 55%; men 46%, whites 43% Cory Doctorow
elections The Republican candidate for Pennsylvania's 18th District is a torture advocate who worked at Abu Ghraib Cory Doctorow
politics If one only more GOP senator flips, the FCC's Net Neutrality order will be up for grabs Cory Doctorow
elections Warren-Sanders Democrats vs Oprah: "One billionaire president in a decade is going to be plenty for us" Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Chelsea Manning is challenging Maryland Democratic Senator Benjamin L Cardin in the 2018 elections Cory Doctorow