los angeles How intense are the El Niño rains in LA? Oh, El Pollo Loco roof collapsing intense Xeni Jardin
Kids Kid with cerebral palsy skateboards for first time with help from mom and technology Xeni Jardin
Journalism After a police raid, a Nicaraguan cartoonist has found sanctuary in the United States Thom Dunn
News Venezuela: Jorge Ramos & Univision crew freed after Maduro detained for 3 hours inside presidential palace Xeni Jardin
random acts of kindness Police officer who breastfed a malnourished baby at hospital hailed a hero Mark Frauenfelder
getting things done Leonardo Da Vinci to-do list reveals his insatiable curiosity about the world Mark Frauenfelder
right-wing snowflakes EPA head Scott Pruitt flies first class because he thinks people who fly coach want to kill him Mark Frauenfelder
Business Mafia money-launderer listed his profession as "fraudster" with UK companies register Cory Doctorow
Science Congressional Science Committee tweets link to Breitbart climate denial by self-confessed bullshit artist Cory Doctorow
Tax dollars at work French President Francois Hollande pays $11,000 a month for haircuts Mark Frauenfelder
corruption San Francisco Super Bowl: crooked accounting, mass surveillance and a screwjob for taxpayers & homeless people Cory Doctorow
Gadgets I love this super-bright minimalist LED lantern, and will use it to survive the apocalypse Xeni Jardin