class war Harvard Humanists troll the elites who fund the Harvard endowment by awarding Anand Giridharadas a prize Cory Doctorow
education Millionaire dilettantes' "education reform" have failed, but teacher-driven, evidence-supported education works miracles Cory Doctorow
police San Bernardino will pay $390k to settle suit against cop who arrested 7th graders "to prove a point" Cory Doctorow
law Rhode Island lawsuit argues that the Constitution guarantees a right to sufficient education to be an informed citizen Cory Doctorow
happy mutants The Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy writing workshop is open to applications for the 2019 session Cory Doctorow
scholarship MIT Media Lab announces this year's Disobedience Prize winners: #MeToo and #MeTooSTEM Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Illumipaper: paper that can selectively illuminate to provide interactivity Cory Doctorow
web theory The market failed rural kids: poor rural broadband has created a "homework gap" Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Cybersecurity class challenged to hack a Raspberry-Pi-enabled "smart pumpkin" Cory Doctorow