b-side Florida Governor says the FBI told him how the Russians hacked Florida voting machines, but swore him to secrecy Cory Doctorow
rona As beaches reopen, watch Florida Governor Ron DeSantis attempt to put on a protective mask Rob Beschizza
News Pro Wrestling shows are 'essential business' in coronavirus pandemic, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis orders Xeni Jardin
weather The Picture of Dorian Spray: Category 4 feared for hurricane approaching Florida Rob Beschizza
Russian hackers hit 2016 voter databases but election wasn't compromised, says Florida's GOP governor Ron DeSantis Xeni Jardin
politics Alleged human sex trafficker gave thousands to Trump campaign and hung out with Don Jr. at Mar-a-Lago Xeni Jardin
dog whistles GOP candidate for Florida governor warns people not to "monkey this up" by electing black candidate Mark Frauenfelder
politics Which Congresscritters voted for infinite, permanent, all-pervasive NSA spying? Cory Doctorow