Copyfight Norwegian court orders volunteers to take down public domain court verdicts and pay copyright troll's legal bills Cory Doctorow
youtube Youtube's Content ID has become the tool of choice for grifty copyfraudsters who steal from artists Cory Doctorow
facebook Google mistakenly started handing out a reporter's cellphone number to people searching for Facebook tech support Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Jimmy Fallon played a video game on air, meaning that streaming your own game gets you taken down as a pirate, thanks to NBC Cory Doctorow
eff The European Copyright Directive: What is it, and why has it drawn more controversy than any other Directive in EU history? Cory Doctorow
Copyfight France and Germany just cut a deal to save the EU's #CopyrightDirective — and made it much, much worse (PLEASE SHARE THIS POST!) Cory Doctorow
Business Blackmailers use false copyright claims to shut down victims' Youtube accounts, offer to lift them in exchange for Bitcoin Cory Doctorow
Copyfight The EU's plan for algorithmic copyright filters is looking more and more unlikely Cory Doctorow
Copyfight The EU's Copyright Directive charm offensive pats Europeans on the head and tells them leave it up to the corporations Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Swedes! Poles! Germans! Luxembourgers! The world is depending on you to save the internet from the EU! Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Let's get artists paid by making Big Tech pay them, not by creating EU copyright filters Cory Doctorow
eff EFF just sent this letter to every official negotiating the EU's Copyright Directive Cory Doctorow
Business Youtube CEO: EU Copyright Directive means that only large corporations will be able to upload videos Cory Doctorow
christ what an asshole Father of the catastrophic Copyright Directive reveals he didn't know what he was voting for Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Europe just voted to wreck the internet, spying on everything and censoring vast swathes of our communications Cory Doctorow