happy mutants Machine-learning-based image classifier can tell when the bus and bike-lanes are illegally obstructed Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Hero bicyclist narrows streets near FCC and offers drivers $5 "Priority Access" so drivers can "choose the plan that best suits their needs" Cory Doctorow
Safety By sheer dumb luck, an intersection where cyclists and cars can't see each other until seconds before they collide Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Kickstarting Bikequity, a feminist bicycle zine about class and social justice Cory Doctorow
Gadgets Crowdfunding a bike-lock that squirts vomit-inducing antipersonnel gas when cut Cory Doctorow
police San Francisco's bike lanes have become Uber's pickup/dropoff zones (and the cops don't care) Cory Doctorow