surveillance UK law will allow secret backdoor orders for software, imprison you for disclosing them Cory Doctorow
corruption Chrome won't trust Symantec-backed SSL as of Jun 1 unless they account for bogus certs Cory Doctorow
Copyfight DoJ to Apple: your software is licensed, not sold, so we can force you to decrypt Cory Doctorow
security Now we know the NSA blew the black budget breaking crypto, how can you defend yourself? Cory Doctorow
corruption It's not enough that Apple and Google are bringing usable crypto to the world Cory Doctorow
security The NSA sure breaks a lot of "unbreakable" crypto. This is probably how they do it. Cory Doctorow
security Data breaches are winning the privacy wars, so what should privacy advocates do? Cory Doctorow
corruption David Cameron now all alone in demanding crypto backdoors, doubles down on antibiotic resistant superterrorists Cory Doctorow
security Ashley Madison's passwords were badly encrypted, 15 million+ passwords headed for the Web Cory Doctorow