crypto Obama: cryptographers who don't believe in magic ponies are "fetishists," "absolutists" Cory Doctorow
security If the FBI can force decryption backdoors, why not backdoors to turn on your phone's camera? Cory Doctorow
politics Using distributed code-signatures to make it much harder to order secret backdoors Cory Doctorow
law Racial justice organizers to FBI vs Apple judge: crypto matters to #blacklivesmatter Cory Doctorow
privacy Apple vs FBI: The privacy disaster is inevitable, but we can prevent the catastrophe Cory Doctorow
security Apple v FBI isn't about security vs privacy; it's about America's security vs FBI surveillance Cory Doctorow
corruption FBI claims it has no records of its decision to delete its recommendation to encrypt your phone Cory Doctorow
Copyfight DoJ to Apple: your software is licensed, not sold, so we can force you to decrypt Cory Doctorow