corruption Wells Fargo just hit with another massive fraud scandal, but thankfully Donald Trump owes them a lot of money Cory Doctorow
Business Lawmakers' support for bank bailouts was correlated with their individual investment in banks Cory Doctorow
corruption EFF is gathering data on illegal surveillance of Dakota Access Pipeline water protectors Cory Doctorow
corruption North Dakota pipeline ruptures and spills 176K gallons of crude into a creek 150 mi from the DAPL protests Cory Doctorow
corruption More than 4,000,000 attempts to read US law have failed since a court ordered Public Resource to take it down Cory Doctorow
Business Insiders: America's largest chain of psych hospitals kidnaps people seeking care, drugs and holds them until they're out of insurance Cory Doctorow
politics Global trumpism: how India's brutal leader manufactures reality with trumped-up "polls" Cory Doctorow
corruption The Snoopers Charter gives these 48 organisations unlimited, secret access to all UK browsing history Cory Doctorow
Business NYT publishes damning, deep look at Trump's commercial/presidential conflicts of interests, so Trump tweets crazy fake-vote conspiracy Cory Doctorow
politics The neoliberal politicians who impeached Brazil's president and took over are imploding in spectacular corruption scandals Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Tax Inspectors Without Borders: poor countries send each other ninja tax collectors to nail looting multinationals Cory Doctorow
Business Superstar academic economists charge $1000+/hr to defend disastrous corporate megamergers Cory Doctorow
Copyfight When the FCC asked about unlocking set-top boxes, the Copyright Office ran to the MPAA Cory Doctorow
Business AT&T developed a "product" for spying on all its customers and made millions selling it to warrantless cops Cory Doctorow
politics Donald Trump's super PAC promised a Chinese millionaire access, influence in exchange for a secret $2 million donation Cory Doctorow