Business Japan secretly funneled hundreds of millions to the NSA, breaking its own laws Cory Doctorow
corruption Customs and Border Patrol can't find qualified applicants for Trump's immigration crackdown Cory Doctorow
corruption The IRS deliberately targeted innocents for civil forfeiture program that stole millions from Americans Cory Doctorow
politics In America, "proximity and shared values" is all it takes to turn protesters into felons Cory Doctorow
Business After ratting out users to China, Yahoo created (and then blew) a $17m "dissidents' fund" Cory Doctorow
Business "Global Britain": the plan to turn post-Brexit Britain into the world's money-laundering arms-dealer Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Leaked Inspector General's report reveals millions lost to incompetence and waste at the US Copyright Office Cory Doctorow
corruption How Netflix is driving permanent, terrible, standards-defined insecurity for billions of browser users Cory Doctorow
Business The 265 Republican Congressjerks who just nuked your online privacy sold out for chump change Cory Doctorow
Business 20 years ago, Ted Cruz published a law paper proving companies could always beat customers with terms of service Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Desperate John Deere tractor owners are downloading illegal Ukrainian firmware hacks to get the crops in Cory Doctorow
corruption Forced-pregnancy scam that masqueraded as abortion clinics won't account for $1M in Pennsylvania tax-dollars Cory Doctorow
corruption What creepy stuff will your ISP do once the FCC allows them to spy on your internet usage? Cory Doctorow