coronavirus Glowforge laser cutter owners made over one million "ear savers" for hospital mask wearers Mark Frauenfelder
coronavirus Today Arizona reports its highest Covid daily death toll, and it's not even noon yet Carla Sinclair
politics Trump uses racist 'Kung Flu' slur against Asians again, was 'coronavirus' too many syllables? Xeni Jardin
Business As COVID-19 surges, Apple re-closes 11 stores temporarily in Florida, Arizona, North Carolina, South Carolina Xeni Jardin
coronavirus Unemployment: 1.5 million laid-off workers seek US jobless aid in 11th straight weekly drop Xeni Jardin
coronavirus Doctors say DO NOT take Dexamethasone to prevent COVID-19, no evidence it works as a coronavirus prophylaxis Xeni Jardin
Business Amazon to enforce social distancing in warehouses with AI surveillance software 'Distance Assistant' Xeni Jardin
politics Trump on coronavirus: If we stop testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any Xeni Jardin
coronavirus GOP Ohio lawmaker: 'African Americans or the colored population' get coronavirus because they 'do not wash their hands as well as other groups' Xeni Jardin
Business Mnuchin: U.S. won't 'shut down the economy again' even if coronavirus cases surge Xeni Jardin
coronavirus Oblivious man walks out of 75-day silent retreat and tweets 'Did I miss anything?' Carla Sinclair