police Police militarization is objectively bad for police and for society, according to science Thom Dunn
kitchen This stainless steel appliance cleaner actually removes those fingerprint marks Jason Weisberger
coronavirus Trump has been hesitant to invoke the Defense Production Act for medical gear. But he's already used it hundreds of thousands of times for weapons and bombs. Thom Dunn
blackwater Blackwater founder Erik Prince used ex-spies to infiltrate liberal groups for Project Veritas Thom Dunn
surveillance Multiple Amazon employees have been fired for spying on Ring owners' cameras Cory Doctorow
Business Iraq: Chevron evacuates staff from Kurdistan oil site, will Russia's Rosneft benefit? Xeni Jardin
late stage capitalism McKinsey bills the US government $3m a year for anodyne advice from 23-year-old college grads Cory Doctorow
Business After Trump reversed Obama's restrictions on private federal prisons, states started banning them instead Cory Doctorow
corruption Defense contractors gleefully report record earnings in divisions that bid on "classified" projects, the fastest-growing part of the Pentagon's budget Cory Doctorow
spam To find tech talent, an entrepreneur put cans of relabeled Spam on store shelves Rusty Blazenhoff
class war The Labour manifesto: transformation of the welfare system, fair conditions for workers, universal housing, home care for elderly, fully funded NHS, fair taxes for the rich Cory Doctorow
Business Uber pretended its drivers were contractors, and now it owes New Jersey $650m in employment tax Cory Doctorow