politics Ukraine: 4 or more U.S. officials were so upset by Trump's pressure on Zelensky, they spoke to W.H. lawyer Xeni Jardin
trump Regardless of whether it ends his term, impeaching Trump have five likely benefits Cory Doctorow
law Federal judge orders emergency injunction and restraining order ending Trump's #muslimban Cory Doctorow
trumpism Acting Attorney General orders DoJ lawyers not to defend the #muslimban UPDATE: she's fired Cory Doctorow
politics Lawrence Lessig on how Congress should behave when the president breaks the law Cory Doctorow
politics Trump calls Voice of America's work “disgusting”, threatens to adjourn Congress so he can put a crony in charge of VOA Xeni Jardin
coronavirus Taiwan lockdown: cops visited, threatened man whose phone ran out of batteries Rob Beschizza
coronavirus Right-wing websites are weighing the pros and cons of letting people die from coronavirus to help the economy Thom Dunn
web theory Freedom House: Thanks to social media, internet freedom is down for the the ninth straight year Cory Doctorow
privacy The top FBI lawyer who tried to force Apple to backdoor its crypto now says working crypto is essential to public safety and national security Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Sarah Pinsker's "Song for a New Day": outstanding dystopian rock-and-roll novel of rebellion and redemption Cory Doctorow
corruption Brazil's highest court rules that Bolsonaro cannot use criminal investigations to harass Glenn Greenwald and The Intercept Cory Doctorow
censorship Alex Stamos on the security problems of the platforms' content moderation, and what to do about them Cory Doctorow
elections The GOP stole Wisconsin; now they're trying to steal it again on the way out — PROTEST TODAY! Cory Doctorow
Science I’m suing the U.S. government for causing the climate change crisis #YouthVGov Kelsey Juliana
finance Big Tech is losing the public's trust in just the same way that Big Finance has Cory Doctorow
propaganda Anonymous Trump official: Don't worry, America, us unelected nameless GOP hacks have quietly executed a coup Rob Beschizza