Business An incredibly important paper on whether data can ever be "anonymized" and how we should handle release of large data-sets Cory Doctorow
Business Your early darknet drug buys are preserved forever in the blockchain, waiting to be connected to your real identity Cory Doctorow
Science Floating 1,600dpi 3D projections made by pushing around flecks of cellulose and hitting them with a laser Cory Doctorow
scholarship Critical perspectives on the Singularity from eminent computer scientist Ed Felten Cory Doctorow
uk Print of "lost" britcom discovered in Nigerian basement and restored with X-rays and laser-cutters Cory Doctorow
scholarship Anti-adblock is a lot more common than anyone thought, but it's not hard to defeat Cory Doctorow
web theory The Australian health authority believed it had "anonymised" a data-set of patient histories, but academics were easily able to unscramble it Cory Doctorow
security Researchers trick Google's AI into thinking rifles are helicopters, without any knowledge of the algorithm's design Cory Doctorow
scholarship Researchers can fool machine-learning vision systems with a single, well-placed pixel Cory Doctorow
scholarship Distinguished scientist on the mistakes pundits make when they predict the future of AI Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Google researchers reveal automated process for removing watermarks from stock images Cory Doctorow
security The 2016 elections taught us to watch for attacks that undermine the legitimacy of elections Cory Doctorow