scholarship Training bias in AI "hate speech detector" means that tweets by Black people are far more likely to be censored Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Open archive of 240,000 hours' worth of talk radio, including 2.8 billion words of machine-transcription Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Fascinating, accessible guide to cryptographic attacks, from brute-force to POODLE and beyond Cory Doctorow
computer science "Intellectual Debt": It's bad enough when AI gets its predictions wrong, but it's potentially WORSE when AI gets it right Cory Doctorow
Business Many of the key Googler Uprising organizers have quit, citing retaliation from senior management Cory Doctorow
Science The new £50 notes will feature Alan Turing (whilst HMG proposes bans on Turing complete computers AND working crypto) Cory Doctorow
computer science AI is like a magic trick: amazing until it goes wrong, then revealed as a cheap and brittle effect Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Using machine learning to pull Krazy Kat comics out of giant public domain newspaper archives Cory Doctorow
books Rage Inside the Machine: an insightful, brilliant critique of AI's computer science, sociology, philosophy and economics Cory Doctorow
History The ENIAC Programmers: how women invented modern programming and were then written out of the history books Cory Doctorow
computer science Finally, a useful application for augmented reality: rendering virtual kitchen roaches Cory Doctorow
scholarship Machine learning classifiers are up to 20% less accurate when labeling photos from homes in poor countries Cory Doctorow
law A deep dive into stalkerware's creepy marketing, illegal privacy invasions, and terrible security Cory Doctorow
computer science DARPA's Spectrum Collaboration Challenge: finally some progress towards a "Cognitive Radio" future Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Sleuthing from public sources to figure out how the Hateful Eight leaker was caught Cory Doctorow