Space Help Wanted: participants for a NASA social isolation experiment inside a Russian lab David Pescovitz
coronavirus Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy officially deemed "essential workers" by New Zealand Prime Minister Thom Dunn
coronavirus Medical professionals and Healthcare providers are getting their pay cut while dealing with COVID-19 Thom Dunn
copyright How the "monkey selfie" is affecting copyright law for art and writing produced by artificial intelligence Mark Frauenfelder
crime Wells Fargo's ex-CEO will pay $17.5m in fines and never work in banking again (but he is still very, very rich) Cory Doctorow
class war The Labour manifesto: transformation of the welfare system, fair conditions for workers, universal housing, home care for elderly, fully funded NHS, fair taxes for the rich Cory Doctorow
politics Secret Service spent over $250,000 at Trump properties in first half of 2017 alone Xeni Jardin
militarized police Cops who blew up innocent man's house don't have to pay, says appeals court Mark Frauenfelder
donotpay Donotpay adds a feature that waits on hold for you, and now I'm ready to subscribe Cory Doctorow
stop children what's that sound Digital hearing aids are producing sound as lousy as MP3s Clive Thompson
health How Memphis's Methodist University Hospital, a "nonprofit," sued the shit out of its Black, poor patients while raking in millions and paying execs more than a million each Cory Doctorow