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Copyfight The Vessel: a perfect symbol for the grifter capitalism of New York City's privatized Hudson Yards "neighborhood" Cory Doctorow
facebook Project Atlas: Facebook has been secretly paying Iphone users to install an all-surveilling "VPN" app Cory Doctorow
News North Korea: Operatives exploited Facebook, LinkedIn, other social media sites to get money and dodge sanctions Xeni Jardin
gwot Internal TSA files reveal that they have no evidence the $1B "behavioral detection" program works Cory Doctorow
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corruption FTC clobbers Roca Labs, the terrible weight-loss company that banned negative reviews Cory Doctorow
politics Ukip councillor sends cops to activist's house, ask him to delete critical tweet Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Social steganography: how teens smuggle meaning past the authority figures in their lives Cory Doctorow
security Petraeus let down guard, pants; Broadwell revealed CIA ops as self-appointed mouthpiece Xeni Jardin
News Who is LulzSec? A phone call with the hacker pranksters. (Xeni on The Madeleine Brand Radio Show) Xeni Jardin