Civlib Massachusetts wants to imprison people for 10 years if they take a nude photo of their over-60 spouse, even with spouse's consent Mark Frauenfelder
Civlib 911 police officer refuses to help girl who calls about her dying father because she said the F word before the call was answered Mark Frauenfelder
Copyfight Europeans! You've got 48h to contact your MEP and demand a free, open and fair Internet! Cory Doctorow
Gadgets Apple's censors remove NiN app and Anda's Game from iPhone store, citing "objectionable content" Cory Doctorow
politics Video of UAE torture prince assaulting 25 others — who's censoring this news in the UAE? Cory Doctorow
Science The Doctor Will Sue You Now: the missing chapter of Ben Goldacre's "Bad Science" about the selling of vitamin therapy instead of anti-virals to AIDS patients in South Africa Cory Doctorow
politics EU set to vote to remove neutrality from the net, give ISPs and govts the power to arbitrarily block site Cory Doctorow
politics US refuses to let jet into its airspace because it is carrying a journalist who criticizes US foreign policy Cory Doctorow