Civlib Convention on Modern Liberty: final panel with me, Billy Bragg, Lisa Appignanesi, Feargal Sharkey, Paul Gilroy and Henry Porter Cory Doctorow
politics Guatemala: Largest Protests Yet in Assassination and Corruption Scandal, Web-televised and Twittered from Streets Xeni Jardin
Civlib Montreal cop cuffs, busts and fines student $450 for not holding escalator rail in subway Cory Doctorow
politics Guatemala: "El Efecto Streisand," Update on Twitter User Arrested For One Tweet On Political/Financial Crisis Xeni Jardin
politics Guatemalan Twitter User Arrested for "Inciting Financial Panic," First Arrest of its Kind in Central American History Xeni Jardin
politics Guatemala: Bloggers are Livestreaming Protests Calling for President To Step Down Xeni Jardin
politics Jesse Ventura: I could make Chickenhawk Cheney confess to the Sharon Tate murders with a waterboard Cory Doctorow
politics Slain Lawyer's YouTube Video Plunges Guatemala into Crisis, Protests Form on Facebook Xeni Jardin
politics Guatemala: Protests for Assassinated Lawyer Streamed Live from Laptops in the Streets Xeni Jardin