Civlib ACLU sues TSA for illegally detaining and searching man carrying $4,700 in cash Mark Frauenfelder
politics Illegal e-waste dumped in Ghana includes unencrypted hard drives full of US security secrets Cory Doctorow
Civlib Bozeman, Montana changes its mind about job applicants' social networking passwords Cory Doctorow
politics The Great Leap Backward: will computer makers kowtow to Beijing's censorware demands? Xeni Jardin
Gadgets Exploit code for China's "Green Dam" censorship app permits remote control of any Chinese PC Xeni Jardin
Civlib Father's day photo-shoot ends with cops pointing guns, photographer face down on tarmac Cory Doctorow
politics British police use unprovoked violence and restraint as punishment for observers who ask them to identify themselves at protests Cory Doctorow