Civlib Tibetan documentary filmmaker faces trial in eastern Tibet for "inciting separatism." Xeni Jardin
Kids Teach kids to be safe on the net by getting them to think critically about censorware Cory Doctorow
Funny Freak with bullhorn stands on Verizon CEO's lawn berating him over the freak-with-bullhorn-related privacy implications of Verizon's crappy database security Cory Doctorow
Gadgets Sussex cops try to suppress publication of damning traffic-cam photos by claiming copyright Cory Doctorow
politics UK cops threaten to bust woman who videos her boyfriend's search on terrorism charges Cory Doctorow
Gadgets Baltimore transit wants to use microphones to record all conversations on trains and buses Cory Doctorow
Science Evidence in support of UK DNA database is "most unclear and badly presented piece of research" Cory Doctorow
Civlib UK cops spot Facebook notice of "all night" party, scramble armed goons in a chopper to break up small, local BBQ Cory Doctorow