finance Rep Katie Porter: an Elizabeth Warren protege and single mom who destroys bumbling, mediocre rich guys in Congressional hearings Cory Doctorow
corruption Payday lenders switched their trade show to a Trump hotel and sent Trump at least a million bucks, then he gave them carte blanche to make billions preying on poor people Cory Doctorow
transparency How the payday loan industry laundered policy by paying academics to write papers that supported its positions Cory Doctorow
trumpism Predatory lender found to have swindled veterans' pensions for eight years, so Trump's CFPB fined him $1 Cory Doctorow
Business Trump's finance watchdog wants to make the taxpayer-funded database of crooked banks go dark Cory Doctorow
politics 32 Democratic senators demand to know if Trump's consumer finance boss has let Equifax off the hook Cory Doctorow
trumpism Trump's Consumer Finance Protection Board chief gives up on punishing Equifax for doxing the entire United States of America Cory Doctorow
class war Trump's "consumer protection bureau" will let the $50B payday lending industry gouge the poorest Americans with triple-digit interest rates Cory Doctorow
trumpism Trump appointed a loan-shark fixer as an assistant Attorney General, who then wrote a controversial memo justifying the neutering of the consumer finance watchdog Cory Doctorow
graeber Banks have returned to the pre-2008 world of automatic credit-limit increases for credit cards used by already indebted people Cory Doctorow
elections Elizabeth Warren's banking proposals are designed to demolish the private equity sector and force finance to serve the people Cory Doctorow
politics Elizabeth Warren profile: portrait of a savvy politician who appeals to working people, and who can get stuff done Cory Doctorow
elections How a political outsider's fundraising tool is helping insurgent, working-class Dems mount primary challenges and campaigns Cory Doctorow
corruption Elizabeth Warren's anti-corruption bill bans foreign lobbyists, subjects domestic lobbyists to strong oversight Cory Doctorow
class war Economic indicators: consumer debt continues to grow, delinquency rises, students face "crippling debt" Cory Doctorow