censorship India's OMICS Publishing Group threatens scholarly critic with $1 billion lawsuit, jail time Cory Doctorow
Gadgets US State Department orders removal of Defense Distributed's printable gun designs Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Bake a Mean Spirited Censorship Pie with the Electronic Frontier Foundation Cory Doctorow
corruption ExxonMobil, FAA, Arkansas cops establish flight restriction zone, threaten reporters who try to document Mayflower, AR spill Cory Doctorow
censorship French spies demand removal of a Wikipedia entry, threaten random Wikipedia admin in France when they don't get their way Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Studios regret sending Google a list of every pirate site on the Internet for publication Cory Doctorow
uk Act now to stop the UK Leveson press-regulations from applying to blogs and individuals online! Cory Doctorow
Gadgets GoPro sends fraudulent DMCA notice to site that ran a negative review of its products Cory Doctorow
surveillance Canadian government muzzles librarians and archivists, creates snitch line to report those who speak online or in public without permission Cory Doctorow
Science Website copies articles documenting scandal of disgraced cancer researcher, then uses DMCA to get the originals censored Cory Doctorow
corruption Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan invests in Internet surveillance company that backstops notorious dictatorships Cory Doctorow