Copyfight Let's get artists paid by making Big Tech pay them, not by creating EU copyright filters Cory Doctorow
law The TSA strip searched a grandmother on Mother's Day and now says that she's overreacting because it's no different from a locker room Cory Doctorow
institutional sociopathy Texas prison inmate allergic to wool has been trying to get a cotton blanket for 10 years Mark Frauenfelder
Copyfight Artists against Article 13: when Big Tech and Big Content make a meal of creators, it doesn't matter who gets the bigger piece Cory Doctorow
Copyright Office seeks your comments on its crazy, broken plan to deal with orphan works Cory Doctorow
corruption Oakland PD's surveillance center's primary purpose is fighting protesters, not crime Cory Doctorow
Business Canadian universities sign bone-stupid copyright deal with collecting society: emailing a link is the same as making a photocopy, faculty email to be surveilled Cory Doctorow
Business Trademark thought experiment: when should intermediaries be cops? (Barista vs. Barbie) Cory Doctorow