security Cops shoot man, then interrupt his funeral to press his corpse's finger to his Iphone Cory Doctorow
aviation The DHS has illegally stuffed America's airports full of $1B worth shitty, malfing facial-recognition tech Cory Doctorow
security Masterprints: synthetic fingerprints that unlock up to 65% of phones (in theory) Cory Doctorow
security Moral panic: Japanese girls risk fingerprint theft by making peace-signs in photographs Cory Doctorow
picks Half of all U.S. adults are in face-recognition databases, and Black people more likely to be targeted Xeni Jardin
picks EFF: FBI & NIST's tattoo recognition program exploited prisoners, profiled based on religion, gave sensitive info to private contractors Cory Doctorow
security Hacking a phone's fingerprint sensor in 15 mins with $500 worth of inkjet printer and conductive ink Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Algorithmically evolved masks that appear as faces to facial-recognition software Cory Doctorow
uk NSA facial recognition: combining national ID cards, Internet intercepts, and commercial facial databases for millions of people Cory Doctorow
Kids UK kids have the right to opt out of school fingerprinting (even if their parents are OK with it) Cory Doctorow