late stage capitalism Wealth is correlated with greed, dishonesty and cheating — are these effects or a causes? Cory Doctorow
Business The psychological design tricks McDonald's uses to tempt you into buying its preferred menu items Cory Doctorow
psychology The strange, mutating story of "willpower" and what we think it might be as of right now Cory Doctorow
Business "One price to all" has been the default since 1840, but online retail is sneakily killing it off Cory Doctorow
Business 20 years ago, Ted Cruz published a law paper proving companies could always beat customers with terms of service Cory Doctorow
Copyfight India's Council of Scientific and Industrial Research blew so much money on rubbish patents, it's gone broke Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Dark Patterns: why do companies pursue strategies that make their customers regret doing business? Cory Doctorow
security Healthcare workers prioritize helping people over information security (disaster ensues) Cory Doctorow