facebook Study: Facebook quitters report more life satisfaction, less depression and anxiety Rob Beschizza
Copyfight Make the internet better by empowering users, not by demanding that platforms implement automated filters Cory Doctorow
web theory Complying with the new EU data protection directive requires a top-to-bottom redo of the adtech industry Cory Doctorow
internet of shit "Friendly" apps are good at maximizing engagement, but their context-blindness is a cesspit of algorithmic cruelty Cory Doctorow
security Pregnancy-tracking app was riddled with vulnerabilities, exposing extremely sensitive personal information Cory Doctorow
Gadgets The complicated psychology and behavioral economics of a beautiful, $700 coffee-dripper Cory Doctorow
corruption TSA trained Disney World's plainclothes in its voodoo "terrorism detection" methods Cory Doctorow