parenting Parents in danger of having six-year-old daughter taken away for letting her walk to their local post office on her own Cory Doctorow
videos How Chinese secret police talk about their jobs when they think the camera isn't rolling Cory Doctorow
corruption Australian Attorney General says that public scrutiny of spying bill would not be in the public interest Cory Doctorow
uk Black teenager who was stopped-and-searched 50 times between 14 and 17 will sue London cops for harassment Cory Doctorow
authoritarianism Private security at London Olympic site illegally harasses photographers shooting from public land Cory Doctorow
politics China Mieville's London: the (authentic) city and the (banks and surveillance) city Cory Doctorow
youtube Hidden camera footage of police officers hindering citizens who try to file complaints Cory Doctorow