crime You will be helped! Research using real-world situations fails to replicate the "bystander effect" Cory Doctorow
Games In this tic-tac-toe variant played with all X's, the loser is actually the winner David Pescovitz
happy mutants Tiny alterations in training data can introduce "backdoors" into machine learning models Cory Doctorow
security Researchers think that adversarial examples could help us maintain privacy from machine learning systems Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Open archive of 240,000 hours' worth of talk radio, including 2.8 billion words of machine-transcription Cory Doctorow
computer science "Intellectual Debt": It's bad enough when AI gets its predictions wrong, but it's potentially WORSE when AI gets it right Cory Doctorow
privacy Vast majority of porn sites use Google Analytics and Facebook embeds that track you, even in incognito mode Cory Doctorow
security Autonomous vehicles fooled by drones that project too-quick-for-humans road-signs Cory Doctorow
scholarship Machine learning classifiers are up to 20% less accurate when labeling photos from homes in poor countries Cory Doctorow
scholarship Training a modest machine-learning model uses more carbon than the manufacturing and lifetime use of five automobiles Cory Doctorow