Business Johnson & Johnson says people with diabetes don't need to worry about potentially lethal wireless attacks on insulin pumps Cory Doctorow
computer science The malware that's pwning the Internet of Things is terrifyingly amateurish Cory Doctorow
Business Google: if you support Amazon's Echo, you're cut off from Google Home and Chromecast Cory Doctorow
happy mutants EFF to court: don't let US government prosecute professor over his book about securing computers Cory Doctorow
Copyfight HP blinks, says it will restore printer functionality, but there's a LOT more it needs to do Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Demand that HP make amends for its self-destructing printers [SIGN AND SHARE!] Cory Doctorow
Business Swedish law will let you write off the money you spend fixing things rather than trashing them Cory Doctorow
Copyfight HTML standardization group calls on W3C to protect security researchers from DRM Cory Doctorow
Copyfight How a digital-only smartphone opens the door to DRM (and how to close the door) Cory Doctorow
corruption Return of Dieselgate: 3 more hidden programs found in VW Audi/Porsche firmware Cory Doctorow