class war The majority of US workers live in "employment monopsonies" where there is little or no competition for workers Cory Doctorow
Business Despite 50 state AGs' antitrust investigations, Google stocks hit an all time high Cory Doctorow
Business Carcinogens, monopolies, influence-peddling: Juul is a microcosm with everything wrong in the world Cory Doctorow
google Google's secretive, data-hungry private city within Toronto will be much larger than previously disclosed Cory Doctorow
elections "Free market" conservatives, aghast at Big Tech's hostility, become overnight Roosevelt-style trustbusters Cory Doctorow
politics Research report explains how adtech supercharges political deceit, allowing even bumblers to be master propagandists Cory Doctorow
Business The point of Patreon isn't how many people earn a full-time living, it's how much of the money from art goes to artists Cory Doctorow
health Establishment Dems worried they'll get primaried if they don't back single-payer healthcare Cory Doctorow
Business Amazon is the poster child for everything wrong with post-Reagan anti-trust enforcement Cory Doctorow
corporatism The W3C has overruled members' objections and will publish its DRM for videos Cory Doctorow
Copyfight An open letter on DRM to the inventor of the web, from the inventor of net neutrality Cory Doctorow
usausausa Monopoly capitalism destroyed American black businesses, which provided safe employment for civil rights activists Cory Doctorow