security The most interesting thing about the "Thanksgiving Effect" study is what it tells us about the limits of data anonymization Cory Doctorow
Business An incredibly important paper on whether data can ever be "anonymized" and how we should handle release of large data-sets Cory Doctorow
web theory The Australian health authority believed it had "anonymised" a data-set of patient histories, but academics were easily able to unscramble it Cory Doctorow
security Researchers think that adversarial examples could help us maintain privacy from machine learning systems Cory Doctorow
surveillance How deceptive browser extensions snaffled up 4m users' browsing history, including Nest videos, medical history and tax returns Cory Doctorow
china Hong Kong's #612strike uprising is alive to surveillance threats, but its countermeasures are woefully inadequate Cory Doctorow
security Attacks that unmask anonymous blockchain transactions can be used against everyone who ever relied on the defective technique Cory Doctorow
security Connected sex-toy allows for code-injection attacks on a robot you wrap around your genitals Cory Doctorow
privacy The London Underground thinks it can sell travelers' attention and wifi data for £322m Cory Doctorow
Business Amazon is the poster child for everything wrong with post-Reagan anti-trust enforcement Cory Doctorow
security Scalable stylometry: can we de-anonymize the Internet by analyzing writing style? Cory Doctorow