corruption Florida prosecutor who bumbled George Zimmerman trial is really good at putting children in adult prisons for life Cory Doctorow
politics Carl Bernstein: Trump 'delusional' & danger to national security — McMaster, Tillerson, Bolton, Mattis, Kelly Xeni Jardin
coronavirus GOP Ohio lawmaker: 'African Americans or the colored population' get coronavirus because they 'do not wash their hands as well as other groups' Xeni Jardin
podcasts Open Culture has a new directory of the "Best Podcasts to Enrich Your Mind" Mark Frauenfelder
racism Ahmaud Arbery: 2 months ago, unarmed black man shot and killed by civilians for jogging. Video just came out. Thom Dunn
mars or bust How nanowires and bacteria can create organic compounds on Mars. Just add water. Gareth Branwyn
politics Humiliated Trump leaves NATO summit early after video emerges of world leaders mocking him Rob Beschizza
algorithmic bureaucracy Getting deplatformed from Apple. “Your account has been permanently disabled. There is nothing else you can do, there is no escalation path.” Mark Frauenfelder