trumpism Scott Pruitt's $4.6m "security" bill includes a $1500 worth of taxpayer-funded "tactical pants" Cory Doctorow
videos Cities' emergency sirens will play anything you send them over an unencrypted radio protocol Cory Doctorow
security Internet of Battle Things: a militarized IoT where "cognitive bandwidth constraints" require "autonomous cyber agents" Cory Doctorow
halloween Dead 2017 pop culture trends are laid to rest in this art teacher's front lawn Rusty Blazenhoff
Business Bid on old computers, speakers, radios, and other junk from the bowels of RadioShack David Pescovitz
RadioShack gone rogue An Ohio RadioShack Facebook page says "We closed. F— all of you" Carla Sinclair
Gadgets Prison inmates built working PCs out of ewaste, networked them, and hid them in a closet ceiling Cory Doctorow