activism Here’s what happens when an activist actually tries to bridge a political gap with a can of Pepsi Caroline Siede
activism Want to work full-time to stop Trump? Quit your job, join an A-Team, and get $15,000 in seed funding Cory Doctorow
libraries Love libraries? Call your reps and sign a letter demanding continued funding for America's libraries Cory Doctorow
trumpism Freaked out about Trump's assault on net neutrality? Come work for EFF on keeping the net free and open Cory Doctorow
trumpism What the rise and fall of the Bush-era netroots movement can teach today's resistance Cory Doctorow
web theory The White House closed its public comment lines, so activists launched a tool to call Trump properties instead Cory Doctorow
gwot Chelsea Manning on the short list for commutation: call the White House at 202-456-1111 to help her! Cory Doctorow
events Washington data scientists: a chance to figure out how to use your skills for good Cory Doctorow