travel Airbnb's easily gamed reputation system and poor customer service allow scammers to thrive Cory Doctorow
facebook A San Diego Republican operator ran a massive, multimillion-dollar Facebook scam that targeted boomers Cory Doctorow
security Security keys are "transformative" and "revolutionary" for information security Cory Doctorow
happy mutants How to Do Nothing: Jenny Odell's case for resisting "The Attention Economy" Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Simone "Shitty Robots" Giertz has big, makerish plans for her brain tumor Cory Doctorow
facebook On Thanksgiving Eve, Facebook quietly admitted to hiring dirty tricksters to publish an anti-Semitic Soros hoax smearing its critics Cory Doctorow
homelessness Duplicitous Catholic Bishop buys $2.3 million home with church funds after pleading for parishioners to help the homeless Seamus Bellamy