corruption Citing the Panama Papers, Elizabeth Warren proposes sweeping anti-financial-secrecy rules Cory Doctorow
elections Pete Buttigieg's prizewinning high-school essay praising Bernie Sanders: "the power to win back the faith of a voting public weary and wary of political opportunism" Cory Doctorow
elections One upside of the Bernie Blackout: Sanders is not facing a frontrunner's backlash Cory Doctorow
elections This Thanksgiving, don't have a political argument, have a "structured organizing conversation" Cory Doctorow
elections Bloomberg's $34m presidential campaign ad-buy is 1.1% of the taxes Bernie, Warren and Steyer want him to pay Cory Doctorow
elections Mayor Pete: Obama should have left Chelsea Manning to rot in prison for 35 years Cory Doctorow
politics Joe Biden campaign emails a post-debate 'did I make you proud?'… hours before start time Xeni Jardin
elections When Republicans say "How will you pay for Medicare for All?" Democrats should answer: "Mexico will pay for it" Cory Doctorow
books Crowdfunding to help science fiction great Mike Resnick pay off the medical bills from a near-death experience Cory Doctorow
class war The right is bankrolled by self-interested one-percenters making long-term investments; the left, by one-percenters with "moral whims" Cory Doctorow
corruption Elizabeth Warren proposes a 4-year ban on government officials going to work for "market dominant" companies Cory Doctorow
corruption Meet the deep-pocketed Biden Bros: lobbyists for arms dealers, for-profit health-care, Azerbaijani oligarchs, Comcast Cory Doctorow
corruption Bernie supporters are the most diverse of any Democratic presidential contender Cory Doctorow