corruption Congress wants to know if agencies were compromised by the backdoor in Juniper gear (and where it came from) Cory Doctorow
Book Spear phishers with suspected ties to Russian government spoof fake EFF domain, attack White House Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Hackers can pwn a Jeep Cherokee from the brakes and steering to the AC and radio Cory Doctorow
corruption Boeing and disgraced malware firm Hacking Team planned flying spyware-delivery drones Cory Doctorow
Business Hacking Team leak: bogus copyright takedowns and mass DEA surveillance in Colombia Cory Doctorow
corruption Italy's Hacking Team allegedly sold Ethiopia's despots cyberweapons used to attack journalists Cory Doctorow
cartoons Cartoonist Lucy Bellwood captures the ways inner demons sabotage in her latest comic book Rusty Blazenhoff