Castlevania Season 3 | Official Trailer | Netflix Watch this video on YouTube. Netflix just released the third season of its anime Castlevania adaptation, and I certainly never expected to… Read the rest of the article: Netflix's CASTLEVANIA show is so much better than it has any right to be
Thom Dunn -
Thom Dunn “Pornhub is donating its March proceeds from Modelhub to support Italy during this unfortunate time," the company said on Twitter: Model earnings will remain untouched, this is coming straight from… Read the rest of the article: PornHub offers free Premium service to Italians and will donate proceeds to fight coronavirus
Thom Dunn From Politico: The U.S. government proclamation initiating the ban targets 26 European countries that comprise a visa-free travel zone known as the Schengen Area. The United Kingdom, which is home… Read the rest of the article: Trump's coronavirus travel ban conveniently exempts all of his European resorts
Thom Dunn The Bear's First Interview Without The Mask! | Season 3 Ep. 7 | THE MASKED SINGER Watch this video on YouTube. In the video above, she explains her decision as… Read the rest of the article: Here's Sarah Palin singing "Baby Got Back" dressed in a bright pink bear costume
Thom Dunn These were all made by Vinny Mraz, a New York-based a playwright, teaching artist and theater maker, who, like many New Yorkers, is nervously enjoying his self-quarantine and freaking out… Read the rest of the article: Brighten up your social distancing with Coronavirus greeting cards
Thom Dunn NPR's Throughline had a great recent episode about what's essentially the branding of the American Empire. Host Rund Abdelfatah speaks with Daniel Immerwahr, a history professor at Northwestern University, who… Read the rest of the article: How the United States re-branded as "America"
Thom Dunn Donald Trump loves to test the waters about abolishing Presidential term limits. As much as he might fantasize about becoming dictator-in-chief, it would take a lot to actually make it… Read the rest of the article: Putin just demonstrated how a leader can constitutionally lock himself into power forever
Thom Dunn The Second Amendment is perhaps the most controversial part of the U.S. Bill of Rights. But that's not just because of our grander cultural debate around gun rights and gun… Read the rest of the article: A fascinating computer analysis of the linguistic context around the 2nd Amendment
Thom Dunn I've written here before to mention that I perform lengthy sets of Irish folk music around St. Patrick's Day*, and there are quite a few of those popular pub songs… Read the rest of the article: What the late, great James Connolly got right about socialism and oligarchies
Thom Dunn At 30-years-old, Zachary McCoy was really getting his shit together. He'd recently finished his associate's degree in computer programming, and he was exercising on the reg, riding his bike around… Read the rest of the article: How one guy's exercise routine made him a burglary suspect, thanks to Google's Geofence Warrants
Thom Dunn If you were a child of the 80s, you were almost certainly scarred and traumatized by the hero Atreyu's failure to save his beloved horse Artax from the Swamp of… Read the rest of the article: Do you have trouble keeping your plants alive? Try this Atreyu and Artax flower pot set.
Thom Dunn Taco Bell Quarterly is not affiliated with Taco Bell. It also has no profit model, and admits on its own website that it cannot even get extra sauce at the… Read the rest of the article: Someone started a literary magazine dedicated to Taco Bell
Thom Dunn Late last year, William Shatner announced his divorce from Elizabeth Anderson Martin, his wife of 18 years. Now that all the legal smoke has settled, the Calgary Herald has reported… Read the rest of the article: William Shatner wins a huge load of horse semen in his divorce settlement
Thom Dunn From the Dungeon Masters Guild: Eat the Rich is a collection of explicitly anticapitalist adventures for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. Each original adventure dives into classic D&D tropes,… Read the rest of the article: Revolutionize your next Dungeons & Dragons game with this anticapitalist / anarchist campaign guide
Thom Dunn CRISPR-Cas9 is the cutting-edge genomic technology that essentially lets you target exact sequences in DNA and then cut into them like a knife and insert or remove a gene. You… Read the rest of the article: Scientists have successfully performed CRISPR gene editing in a live human body for the first time ever
Thom Dunn I'm not an obsessive listener to the Reply All podcast, but when it's on, it's on — and this week's episode is fantastic. Host PJ Vogt is contacted by Tyler… Read the rest of the article: Reply All goes on a wild scavenger hunt to find a song that might not exist
Thom Dunn The Charleston RiverDogs are a farm team for the New York Yankees based out of South Carolina. Like plenty of minor league baseball teams, they throw a lot of themed… Read the rest of the article: A minor league Yankees affiliate team tried to throw an "OJ Simpson Trial"-themed baseball game
Thom Dunn Erik Prince is the billionaire mercenary who behind the private military contracting empire of Blackwater and their many war crimes. He's also the brother of US education secretary Betsy Devos… Read the rest of the article: Blackwater founder Erik Prince used ex-spies to infiltrate liberal groups for Project Veritas
Thom Dunn 'Ghen Cô Vy' | NIOEH x KHẮC HƯNG x MIN x ERIK Watch this video on YouTube. Gonna sing this while I wash my hands.
Thom Dunn My colleague Jon Chase has a great new piece up on Wirecutter detailing some of the delightful ways he's found to lean into his Dad Joke-ness and use Alexa to… Read the rest of the article: Easy ways to use Alexa just to mess with your children