Maker Mayhem: Low Moments in How-To History, Part 18
Matt Maranian -
Matt Maranian Head Hunter String Holder: a craft from the final gasps of the ethno-human-novelty era of racist tchotchkes
Matt Maranian Indoor Shooting Gallery: Because guns are fun, it’s just that simple.
Matt Maranian Pantyhose Casserole Carrier: Potluck be a lady tonight.
Matt Maranian A stupefying collection of design from the patchwork of Northern European nation states vaguely known as “Scandinavia,” Scandinavian Design is both eye candy and an education.
Matt Maranian Until free-and-easy legal travel between the U.S. and Cuba becomes a reality, Havana Before Castro is your second best bet.
Matt Maranian Pill Bottle Gifts: Rainy day projects for a crafting addict.
Matt Maranian Nut Shell Critters: Fun with food waste.
Matt Maranian His & Hers Bedding: for the couple who needs to be reminded of their genders, even while they’re asleep. By Matt Maranian.
Matt Maranian Tin Can Cannibal: Because people eating people makes for fun kid’s crafts. By Matt Maranian.
Matt Maranian As we all know, arts and crafts should be tedious, painstaking, and (of course) ultimately boring as hell. Matt Maranian presents some Maker Mayhem
Matt Maranian Automobile-Sized Refrigerator: When a cooler just isn’t cool enough. By Matt Maranian
Matt Maranian -
Matt Maranian Radiant Heated Dog House: Because shoving Rover’s paw in a light socket wouldn’t be cruel enough. By Matt Maranian
Matt Maranian Burnt Matchstick Easter Decorations: When celebrating the Resurrection means looking no further than your ashtray. By Matt Maranian
Matt Maranian Tin Foil Pigtail Wig: Because mom waited too long to buy you a Halloween costume. By Matt Maranian
Matt Maranian Not as hot as it looks. Good on anything. Cures all that ails you. A recipe by Matt Maranian.
Matt Maranian Home Target Range! What could possibly go wrong? asks Matt Maranian.
Matt Maranian Matt Maranian finds that there’s a lot to learn about the history of pin-up magazines, more than you’d ever imagine, and this set leaves no stone unturned and no skirt unlifted.
Matt Maranian Matt Maranian's latest installment of Maker Mayhem: Low Moments in How-to History looks at converting ham cans into toys