There's a new, great resource-gathering tool designed for folks new to game-making. Here's why you should check it out.
Leigh Alexander -
Leigh Alexander One of my favorite social card games is offering you something new.
Leigh Alexander Think through trauma and anxiety in a therapy group of film "final girls."
Leigh Alexander Keurig coffee machines, with their clunking lever, digital menu and environmentally-hazardous pods, are already kind of creepy—and that's even before you're hooked on their precious, precious dark caffeine.
Leigh Alexander The Mysterious Package Company will send you or a friend weird surprises that slowly form a story over time.
Leigh Alexander Watch this video on YouTube. Astaeria is a "first-person poetry visualizer" by Emma—select a poem, and an abstract world of colors and shapes blossoms around that poem, with procedurally-generated music.
Leigh Alexander "Mom left us at Best Buy :("
Leigh Alexander You Are A Hoverboard, by Chris Wade, is a few loveable steps beyond your usual physics toy: It's a world where animal friends open their hearts to help you out,… Read the rest of the article: Play it now: You Are A Hoverboard
Leigh Alexander Laralyn McWilliams has been in the video game business for half her life, and shares thoughtful insights on the invisible but implicit bill of cultural rules that still govern the industry.
Leigh Alexander World's Dawn is a charming tribute to a beloved genre.
Leigh Alexander People on Twitter are using the #GamesSoWhite hashtag to start conversations about whiteness as "default" in video games and fantasy in general. They're brave.
Leigh Alexander Forget about the wasteland for a while. The best new games are set inside the places where you live.
Leigh Alexander Watch this video on YouTube. There're just a couple days left to back LOUD on Planet X, a music game about fighting aliens that features the work of artists like… Read the rest of the article: Get in on this indie music rhythm shooter
Leigh Alexander I've found a beautiful and mysterious Tumblr that combines (what look like) old, obscure video game screenshots with (what look like) snippets of original fiction. As is so often the… Read the rest of the article: Wonderful old video game art coupled with haunting prompts
Leigh Alexander "Stepping into games is like arriving at a cheese-tasting party where most of the crowd is angrily murmuring that cheddar and swiss are always and objectively the best cheeses."
Leigh Alexander This is a game about things on a table. I'm not even sure what I find so lovable about it—the time I went to put a cassette in its player… Read the rest of the article: Play it now: I FIND MYSELF [________]
Leigh Alexander Tired of Cthulu and zombies? Try some games about Dorian Gray, H.G. Wells' The Time Machine, and many other fruits of a jam themed around public domain works.
Leigh Alexander Little by little we're seeing more believable women characters in some of our video games, but what about their romantic options?
Leigh Alexander Rhythm Ranger – Prototype Gameplay Watch this video on YouTube. The lonesome but spirited march of Western music and a stripe of desert sunset forms the backdrop of a creative… Read the rest of the article: Play rock, paper, scissors with musical cowboys
Leigh Alexander We've all seen them; Ads featuring computer-generated women (or occasionally Kate Upton), promising a uniquely sexy game experience. I tried it. Wanna know what it was like?