In the webcomic Help Us Great Warrior, a green blob with a bowtie quips quips her way through a savage world of swords, magic, and monsters.
Ivan Hernandez -
Ivan Hernandez In this episode of the PBS documentary series, a team of scientists dissect and examine one of the ocean's rarest creatures: Architeuthis, the giant squid.
Ivan Hernandez POLLYANNA: An Animated Earthbound Tribute Watch this video on YouTube. This video is an exquisitely detailed homage to the cult Super Nintendo RPG Earthbound, Mr. Saturns and all. Earthbound is… Read the rest of the article: POLLYANNA: An Animated Earthbound Tribute
Ivan Hernandez The Republican Party is in control of both the House and Senate, and the redrawing of Congressional districts is one of the tools that led America to its current fate.… Read the rest of the article: Gerrymanderers and the Dark Art of Redistricting
Ivan Hernandez Ninety year old homeless advocate Arnold Abbot and a pair of clergymen among others were cited by Fort Lauderdale police for violating the city's newly enacted food sharing ordinance, which… Read the rest of the article: 90 Year Old Man Faces Jail Time for Feeding Florida's Homeless
Ivan Hernandez Virginia Johnson (Lizzy Caplan) – You Don't Know Me – Masters of Sex Cover Watch this video on YouTube. In this clip from the first season of Showtime drama Masters… Read the rest of the article: Lizzy Caplan sings "You Don't Know Me"
Ivan Hernandez Roy Lichtenstein made a career copying comic book panels and selling them as pop art for millions. Now, one of his victims speaks out.
Ivan Hernandez Visitors to the successor of online drug marketplace Silk Road were greeted by the logos of an international concordance of law enforcement agencies.
Ivan Hernandez "The bigot is an unreasoning hater – one who hates blindly, fanatically, indiscriminately."
Ivan Hernandez After the US Supreme Court declined to hear the Conan Doyle estate's appeal in a case against author Leslie Klinger, the character of Sherlock Holmes has been firmly entrenched in… Read the rest of the article: Supreme Court disinterest leaves Sherlock Holmes firmly in the public domain
Ivan Hernandez In response to Jian Ghomeshi's firing by the CBC and his issuing a statement defending his personal life as "outside the mainstream", yet "consensual," a group of eight women have… Read the rest of the article: Eight women's accounts of abuse by Canadian broadcaster Jian Ghomeshi
Ivan Hernandez Get the vote the fuck out with Where's My Fucking Polling Place, a site which tells you your fucking polling place.
Ivan Hernandez Watch this video on YouTube. This stunning two hour concert showcases the decades long creative partnership between composer Joe Hisaishi and animation legend Hayao Miyazaki, with powerfully orchestrated selections from… Read the rest of the article: WATCH: Studio Ghibli 25 Years Concert
Ivan Hernandez Watch this video on YouTube. "Won't Go Out" is a stomping track off English rockabilly garage queen Holly Golightly's 2005 record My First Holly Golightly Album.
Ivan Hernandez “I did not have experience with acting, and I did not have experience with crushing a man’s face with my hands.”
Ivan Hernandez The Washington Post profiles C. Dean Metropoulos, the billionaire investor responsible for the nostalgia-driven returns of brands like Pabst Blue Ribbon and Twinkies, and the hard-partying sons he puts in… Read the rest of the article: The Man Who Loved Beer
Ivan Hernandez The Associated Press has learned that in the days after the August 9th shooting death of Mike Brown, the no-fly zone requested by the Ferguson, MO police was meant specifically… Read the rest of the article: Ferguson Police Aimed No-Fly Zone at Media
Ivan Hernandez I am Groot! I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot!
Ivan Hernandez If you're looking to get rid of your cable or never had it to begin with, the Homeworx HDTV Antenna is the cheapest way to get free, crystal clear over… Read the rest of the article: Homeworx HD Antenna
Ivan Hernandez Bob Kane is most known as the creator of Batman, yet his reputation in the comics industry is far more complex.